Sunday, June 24, 2007

KINDActs Media Group of Companies Inc.
Your Live Moments Offer You Powerful Opportunities
Moments make up your life - amazing moments, precious moments, great moments, life-changing moments.

Moment by moment we build our lives into meaningful purpose, grasping meaning and passion from life's precious moments that touch our hearts and minds.

These moments join like little dots to form the outline of life.

But these alive moments flee, flying away into the past so that only memories remind us of life's most precious moments.

We capture these moments for you - keeping them alive forever.

Expert Journalist, Writer and Multimedia Specialist, Shaun Michael Samaroo, uses the beauty of language and the versatility of convergent media technology to capture your life's greatest moments.

He captures your life's soltice moments in amazing, inspiring and motivating stories.

We tell these stories across the mass media spectrum - web, newspaper, DVD video documentary, pictures and live broadcast at your event's venue.

History thus has a multimedia capture of your life's most amazing moments, told in a live web-streaming story, a newspaper feature story, a DVD video story, and a picture story.

In today's multimedia-laced world, every individual can own a space of the virtual planet.

You can capture those life-changing moments forever.

But you can also use our service to make media products of your ideas, services and products so that you can market more effectively.

We live in a world where educating your market base is the most vital way of doing business.

We offer you that amazing opportunity. And what's more important for you is that we do all this for you at a reasonable cost, tailored entirely to your budget.

We make media products for you, which you can use to reach a global marketplace.

We live in exciting times. Embrace the opportunities of today's world of global communications technology to make the most of your life - live, moment by live moment.

Life offers amazing opportunities to people who will embrace the opportunities that the fast evolving global communications technology infrastructure offer you.

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